Integrating Research Innovation and Health Care
Research has a profound impact on patient care and population health, and leads to a greater understanding of diseases, life-saving treatments and preventative strategies for a range of health conditions and disorders. Research discoveries and innovations also contribute to the economy through the commercialization of novel technologies and therapies. The dynamic and diverse research community at VCHRI creates opportunities for new scientific knowledge and its translation to improve health outcomes for all British Columbians.
Primary areas of focus of this five-year strategic plan are:
- Improving cohesion between researchers
- Integrating research into patient care
- Providing support for shared core technology platforms to efficiently and cost-effectively accelerate health research
Innovation for Impact
Health research provides direct benefits to patients, the health care system and the wider community. VCHRI promotes the integration of clinical needs and research excellence in alignment with VCH’s strategic priorities. Specifically, the VCH strategic priority Innovation for Impact is part of every strategic effort made at VCHRI. The research culture at VCHRI fosters innovation that is translated into improved patient outcomes and population health.
Strategic goals at VCHTransforming Health for Everyone
VCHRI also operates in alignment with the UBC Faculty of Medicine’s commitment of Transforming health for everyone. At the core of making health care more people-centred is our ability to adapt and address the rising needs of current and prospective patients. To secure our continued success and further maximize our potential, VCHRI is the place for knowledge generation and translation, as well as a magnet for new investments and new ventures.
UBC Faculty of Medicine Strategic PlanStrategic Plan in Action
We encourage research members and collaborators to continue to engage in the process of shaping the future of VCHRI as we move ahead in our journey to advance health knowledge, care and equity.
Strategic Research Priorities
VCHRI advocates for healthier lives through discovery. We have identified four overarching strategic priorities:
- Integrated and translational research
- Impact and partnership
- Knowledge building and translation
- Biomedical innovation and clinical implementation
These build on the strengths of the VCHRI research community and complement our core values of integrity, accountability, collaboration, equity, community- and patient-focused.

Integrated and Translational Research
VCHRI prioritizes resources and funding for research that shapes and transforms lives. Over the next five years, we will increase our support for translational research into tangible health, economic and societal outcomes.
- Accelerate the translation of research discoveries into clinical practice and care
- Ensure research is ingrained into every aspect of patient care
- Embed and strengthen patient-centred research and a community-focused approach to policy development

Impact and Partnership
The life sciences sector brings value to patients and is driving force in job creation and advancing the knowledge economy. The impactful research and innovation that occur at VCHRI will continue to play a key role in meeting current and emerging clinical needs and priorities in the health and life sciences sectors in B.C.
- Ensure that VCHRI maintains its role as a leader in the B.C. health research environment
- Empower and foster research collaboration
- Integrate sustainability into existing structures

Knowledge Building and Translation
In preparation for shifting health care priorities, including addressing the needs of an increasingly aging population, VCHRI will continue to develop opportunities to build, translate and exchange knowledge with an emphasis on preparing young and emerging researchers for the road ahead.
- Attract, train and retain the top talent in health research and the health care sector
- Establish enriched learning experiences for career development

Biomedical Innovation and Clinical Implementation
B.C. has emerged as a global powerhouse in biotechnology. Life sciences is now viewed as a key sector for job creation and economic growth. VCHRI is committed to developing comprehensive strategies that deepen our relationship with industry, particularly within the biomedical and digital health research communities.
- Target research directed towards health innovation and commercialization
- Invest in new technologies, facilities and practices to meet societal demand
- Facilitate commercialization, investment and industry partnerships